In part 1 of The Travels of a T-Shirt book its mainly talks about the invention of the shirt through cotton farming. Also, it shows the history on cotton farming became so big in the world and the industries in the US on how it became so competitive in the market. She writes in the book "American cotton growers have adapter their production methods, their marketing, their technology, and their organizational form to respond to shifts in supply and demand in the global marketplace" (Rivoli 7). Then cotton was mass-produced and exported to China. Moving onto part 2 Rivoli argues that if China ended up not making those t-shirts in the US, they would have zero reliable market for cotton export. I agree with that statement because reading through the part she makes a strong argument on why we wouldn't have good exportation if those shirts weren't made. In her argument she says that conditions were completely like sweatshop which is a violation of human rights so there was a chance that these t-shirts would not be made because of the working conditions they were in. So, to help that human rights activist demanded a better workplace for the people so they could make these t-shirts. So, in her whole argument I agree with it 100% because what person wants to work in horrible condition workplace.
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