Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Hometown Globalization

 Globalization in my small hometown Honesdale, located in the Pocono mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania, has had an extreme impact on the flourishment of developing and innovating businesses establishing themselves in the area and bringing forth better changes to the community. Growing up I had not witnessed too much variety offered around my small town besides having a Walmart, Kmart, and the competing local pizzeria businesses on Main Street. It wasn't until I was a freshman in High school that I started to see change occur. The town started to gain a new fluctuation of tourists coming in from cities with backgrounds in the influential cultural blending of ideas such as New York City, Philadelphia, and many others that started to see potential and charm in the town. Perhaps word of mouth spread about the town or interest in the rural area took to people that visited but from the increase in new residents in the region and with them the growing suggestions of adding in different businesses, it was clear to me that Honesdale was starting develop a more urban transformation for itself. Globalization also came into play with the want for innovation by the residents themselves who grew up there as well. People I had known for the majority of my life or even attended school with went off to colleges in huge, urbanized cities that excelled greatly in the aspect of having more selection and inclusivity in ideas as compared to the small town they originated from. From their experiences in seeing a whole different side of globalization for themselves and how it benefited communities and boroughs in these cities, they brought back to Honesdale all the knowledge they had garnered and started to implement variety. Honesdale currently has more innovation than ever thanks to globalization and the factors that supported it to happen in my small hometown with different cultural foods all around Main Street, more shops with different uses and goods, and a better system with new residents that encourages businesses big or small to seek out change and new developments on how to expand themselves out of the area and find new connections to bring in more growth and services to benefit the community.                               


Tyler Scheirer said...

It's interesting to see that your hometown community pushed for more globalization through their experiences in big urban cities. When you were growing up you had said about not having much variety besides a Kmart and a Walmart. Could there have been globalization in these stores through the origin of manufacturing of the goods sold inside?

Sarah Snow said...

I am actually from Honesdale Pa as well. It was very interesting to see your take on globalization in the area. I appreciated how you included the vast gentrification that has occurred. Ever since the covid pandemic there has been a huge influx of people from urban areas, especially New York City, into the area. This has caused Honesdale to have a changing culture, as diverse restraints and shows have set up residence.