I really enjoyed the "Piracy by Patent" article. I have been using Neem tree oil in my garden for a few years. It is one of those "eco-friendly" pesticides that's not 100% artificial chemicals. My mom was the one who found it, and if you apply it regularly, it REALLY helps with pests like flea beetles. These are very tiny bugs that are extremely annoying. It was interesting to be able to link a product I use directly to issues like this. I will not stop using Neem Oil, as it is a very good pesticide, but I will try to order it from producers that aren't bio-pirates. If there are any available in the U.S., hopefully. I am not sure of any local alternatives, but hey! The article on the Local Trap has pointed out how that is not always the best thing either. I found this article particularly interesting as I have fallen DEEP down the pit of the local trap. I was hesitant going in, but the concepts brought up make a lot of sense to me, like the issue of scale and agendas. I still think it is important to look into the amount of miles something travels, like with strawberries. I’m lucky to be where I am, as there are a lot of farms near me with local produce stands. I may not be sure of the sustainability of these farms, but at least I know the food miles have been somewhat limited. As for what local really means, it’s easy to just look up these farms or even drive out to where they are myself.